Donna Domasin Austin
- A lifetime of sailing experience in Hawaii and the South Pacific
- Pacific Cup 2006 and prior delivery from Hawaii to San Francisco
- Currently Vice Commodore Hawaii Women's YRA and Rear Commodore (power) Pearl Harbor YC
- Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua.
big hat! big glasses! surrounded by ocean...thats exactly what i picture when i think of the very brown,very beautiful Donna Austin !!!!!
is this the donna from brightwood and alhambra high?
aloha donna,
i ran across an old picture and took a chance and googled you and this blog popped out. seeing your picture and reading about you... yikes it kinda took my breath away.. wow. you were incredible growing up and still incredible.
well i use to live in hawaii long ago..makaha/waipahu and now i return every year to visit for a couple of weeks. i ll be back around the second week in jan 08.
i didn't know about a reunion in sept...mmm sounds interesting. right now i am in chicago and i go back to los angeles to visit my daughters... it would be nice to meet up in sept.
have a great trip back.. good sailing.
You must be a very proud mama! You and Linds are such a magnetic pair and I hope that i can only be half the mom to Stryder like you have been to Linds. Cant wait to see you guys when you get home! Stryder has five teeth coming in on the top and is cruising around everywhere! We miss you guys!
hi d got your message and i feel the same way. we are starting to see boats come in. The fis tracking thing sucks. i wonder if they will give the money back. weather is nice here and breezy take care of your self
l r
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