As of 0600, this morning, Tuesday, June 12th, 2007, we are about 100 miles out, with 2123 miles more to go. Our position is 22N50, 157W04. Course is 040M. Not aimed at Long Beach exactly, but better than going to the North Pole. Speed 5.8 knots. We are motor sailing, with only a reefed main up. We are close hauled into the wind at 040 relative and about 10 knots.
It was a beautiful night, clear most of the time. Looking aft, the constellation Scorpio fills the whole sky, with the "Teapot" right behind. Bright object in Scorpio must be Jupiter (can someone check that). The wispy cloud up over the top, from horizon to horizon, turned out to be the Milky Way.
We spoke to Richard, also underway, on 8A at 1730, but were unable to raise Lou Ickler a little later.
Sun just popped up. Donna and Lindsey just unfurled the jib and the boat speed went up to 6.9 knots. At this rate we should be in Long Beach in 14 days.
(Photos - Donna, Lindsey, Chris and Bill and the Cirrus leaving Makani Kai to, with any luck at all, make it to Long Beach - courtesy of Kim Ickler)
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