SEA DATE: 14 JULY 2007
POSITION:27'09N 124'36W
we got through Friday the 13th with out breaking anything!!!!
not much to report, yesterday was a pretty lazy day. we have the same spinnaker up as when we started, but the wind has been coming around from behind so Nancy and Christin did a little spiker trim while i steered, Bill and i decided to change the course a little, so after all that we were able to take down the whisker pole. the best part of it all is that now our V.M.G is a lot more optimistic. I don't have enough time in my life to explaine what V.M.G. is, but in short its the speed your making toward your destination. (Stands for Velocity Made Good - ed.)
it seems like we are all getting in to the swing of thing pretty good, we are spending more time out of our bunks and hanging out with each other. with the exception of Nancy, poor sucker is reading some Michner book, something about Hawaii. Bill held his celestial navigation class around the same time, this time Caroline joined in. My Mom won't have anything to do with it, she says " you shouldn't learn how to navigate from family and friends."
we enjoyed a very nice dinner of veggie lasagna with an awesome salad and fresh garlic bread, and for desert we had fresh cantaloupe, if any of you are reading this and have access to a Costco i highly recommend that you get your self some of that Cantaloupe, the crew and i really cant get over how good it is, it is really good!!!
After dinner Mom, Caroline ( Nancy is cheating on us with Michner ) and I introduced Christine to trivial pursuit. i don't think she cared for it much, she took off after her watch was pau. but we had laugh out loud fun for a few hours, laughing more then playing. the rest of the evening was pretty quiet, till some big ships started to cross our path and not responded to us on the VHF, the one that crossed about 1/4 of a mile off our bow finally acknowledged our presence, we asked if he could see us on from the bridge and see us on radar, he said "yes, yes." in my book that means i don't speck English. very early morning, like 0400, i woke up to my Mom digging around in the steering area, at first i thought we had lost our steering, that makes a icky feeling in your stomach, but then i realized we had not rounded up, and our sails were still full, it turned out that Christin had dialed in to some mystery noise that seemed to be coming from the steering area. we never figured out what is was but it stoped at some point.
Caroline thinks its shower day, wait she just chimed in "it is shower day, and fishing day" we all think it is still a little chilly for all of that shower action. but im all for fishing. at the moment we are enjoying some Mozart and watching Caroline eating one pound chocolate bar from trader joes.
thats all for now, Captain LG
Dana: Aloha Anty Dana, we got your message about the interview upon arrival, i asked the crew if they were in to it, and once they checked with there agents, they are all about it. thank you so much for everything. see you soon, Mahalo Lindsey girl
Dman: Hi we miss you and Mr. Oopu, do you have any news reports for us? thinking of you. olives LG
hi capt. ive been fishing w/keith n havent been online...i woke up 2day n looked @ the blog just 2 now what ur up 2...i'm on my way 2 teds n will post news soon...aloha
i wasnt inspired by anything n the paper 2 report 2day ... i will look @ other sources n update soon....4 now i have LIBRA / Space stations exist not because of an accidental discovery , but because mankind set "conquer space" as a goal. Perhaps your outrageous aim has a better chance of being realized then a mundane one. VIRGO / You're good at handling life. In fact, nothing will come along that you can't handle. Knowing this,you can take a confident stance even in situations where you have no idea what to expect.
Aloha Caroline and crew!
Love the blog! It looks like you are having a fun time and eating good to boot! Good for you guys!!!
We found a house and are in escrow. Today we had the inspection done, picked out new flooring, paint and wondow treatments. We should be moving in in less than three weeks. LOTS to do.
Here are the email address you requested. Be Safe and God bless!!
We love you!
Julie, Danny and London
Sunday, July 15th, 2007
Libra: Lovely Venus is especially important to you Libras, for it's your key planet. Now, as it moves into your 12th House of Imagination, there may be unconscious attractions luring you forward, as if you were being pulled by an invisible string. It's more important than ever to listen to your inner voice, not only about love, but also with respect to your career.
Virgo: There couldn't be a better time for you Virgos to make a list of your goals with respect to love and intimate relationships. Consider your basic values and what you want. As Venus spends an extended amount of time in your sign, you may have an opportunity to get what you wish, but you must be clear to yourself about what you truly desire.
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