7:40 AM HST = 10:40 AM PDT Cirrus safely had lines over and secured to the dock.
The came into the harbor via the Los Angeles entrance because they were fogged in solid and almost missed it! With about 50' visibility they went along the breakwater. About half-way along someone from the marina gave them a tow. They were passed off to a couple of "professionals" who finished the tow and tucked them into their slip. Lindsey is handling the paperwork with the harbor master and, wonder of wonders, shore power is on its way.
CONGRATULATIONS you hardy and tenacious crew!!
Aloha nui,
Shows what Agnes and I know...just about 24 hours exactly. Why do I ever doubt the navigator? Silly me.
Congrats you guys! Now for the REAL trip!
Herzlichen Glueckwunsch!!! Am I glad to hear you guys made it safe and sound! Had to catch up on your blog posts after traveling all around, could not believe the you lost the engine! What a trip! Will give you a call soon! Aloha and Auf Wiedersehen! Christin
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