Let's see. Was it Pac Cup 98 or 2000 when we sat outside the GG for three days? [Edit by Ulli: it was 2000, see the Pacific Cup 2000 reports] This is a little different in that we spend the rare gusts of wind going south with a VMG of zero.
Huge (tanker we think) covered with lights, not moving, not responding to Channel 16, sort of in our way last night. So we went around (slowly). As we passed Cordell Bank (a shallow spot out in the ocean) yesterday I was joking with the crew and noted the toxic dump site that was ahead on the chart. I told them to hold their breath if there was a lot of bubbling and boiling. Couple hours later I got a call on deck to observe large patches of boiling water. We think it was fish (attracted a lot of sea birds) but we are not sure. Caroline was on the deck in a flash with the fishing gear but didn't get to use it since no one really feels like eating fish at the moment, and besides we haven't yet put much of a dent in the provisions. Latest event, several fins in the water nearby. Donna says shark. Don't drag your fingers in the water.
Wednesday, 11 July 2007 position 31N57, 119W35. Course (of the moment) 160M, speed 2.4. Wind is light, sea glassy, overcast 100%.
And that's it from Lake Wobegone (AKA, Pacific Ocean).
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